Latest on the APL

I must say I have simply been overwhelmed with the level of interest that has been created by Football Queensland calling a meeting to outline the new APL. I see there has been much speculation as to how the League would operate. The number of people contacting me to enquire as to the future of the League has been very encouraging. I have my view on how the League will operate and I think I will be pretty much on the money. Clearly in the early years of the League travel will not occur around Australia except for a final series. Each State would run its own conference. Travel would be within the state as is now occurring in the State Leagues.  Opportunity would exist for successful Australian Premier League Clubs to feed into the FFA Cup and play A League Clubs. I also would not expect to see promotion and relegation in the short term.

I understand from recent  public statements made by Geoff Foster with the increased status of the APL he is confident that by year two League travel and accommodation costs could be meet from corporate support. I think such a result would  significantly help Clubs meet their budgets. With the increased size and functions of successful licence holders, Clubs would also be able to better support their operations.

It is likely the APL  will see more Clubs participating than in the current QSL that can only be good for the game in Queensland.

Noel Woodall

MD Sunshine Coast FC

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