Sunshine Coast Fire Presentation Day

Sunshine Coast FC held the 2013 Presentation Day on Saturday, October 14. Thank you to all the players, parents and friends who attended the day and celebrated a great 2013 season. Football Queensland Operations Manager Bruce Dinsdale presented the award recipients for each team with their medals and also awarded the U18 Boys with their NPL Premiership trophy. Congratulations to all the 2013 NPL Players on their hard work throughout the season who have all represented Sunshine Coast FC tremendously.

Award recipients:

Under 18 Boys:
Player of the Year: Steven Lawrance
Highest Goal Scorer: Aidan Little

Under 18 Girls:
Player of the Year: Amy McGlynn
Highest Goal Scorer: Samara Christmas

Under 16 Boys:
Player of the Year: Gabriel Dennis
Highest Goal Scorer: Luke Devitt and Wade Nelson

Under 15 Boys:
Player of the Year: Tyler Morse
Highest Goal Scorer: Cameron Nairn

Under 14 Boys:
Player of the Year: Kobe Fuller
Highest Goal Scorer: Ty Dawson

Under 14 Girls:
Player of the Year: Maisie Berry
Highest Goal Scorer: Kirsty Clifford
Award for 50 Goals in a Season: Kirsty Clifford

Under 13 Boys:
Player of the Year: Jesse Gibbs
Highest Goal Scorer: Jesse Gibbs

Under 12 Boys:
Player of the Year: Oliver Williams
Highest Goal Scorer: Daniel Cuttler

If you would like to download pictures from the Presentation Day please click HERE.

Under 12 Boys Player of the Year Oliver Williams and Highest Goal Scorer Daniel Cuttler.
Under 12 Boys Player of the Year Oliver Williams and Highest Goal Scorer Daniel Cuttler.
2013 Under 12 Boys
2013 Under 12 Boys
Under 18 Boys Player of the Year Steven Lawrance and Highest Goal Scorer Aidan Little.
Under 18 Boys Player of the Year Steven Lawrance and Highest Goal Scorer Aidan Little.
Under 18 Boys with their 2013 medals and Premiership Trophy.
Under 18 Boys with their 2013 medals and Premiership Trophy.
The 18 Girls with their 2013 medals.
The 18 Girls with their 2013 medals.
Under 16s Highest Goal Scorers Luke Devitt and Wade Nelson.
Under 16s Highest Goal Scorers Luke Devitt and Wade Nelson.
Under 16 Boys with their 2013 Medals
Under 16 Boys with their 2013 Medals
Under 15 Boys Highest Goal Scorer Cameron Nairn and Player of the Year Tyler Morse.
Under 15 Boys Highest Goal Scorer Cameron Nairn and Player of the Year Tyler Morse.
Under 15 Boys with their 2013 medals.
Under 15 Boys with their 2013 medals.
Under 14 Boys Player of the Year Kobe Fuller.
Under 14 Boys Player of the Year Kobe Fuller.
Under 14 Boys with their 2013 medals.
Under 14 Boys with their 2013 medals.
Under 14 Girls Highest Goal Scorer Kirsty Clifford and Player of the Year Maisie Berry.
Under 14 Girls Highest Goal Scorer Kirsty Clifford and Player of the Year Maisie Berry.
Under 14 Girls with their 2013 medals.
Under 14 Girls with their 2013 medals.
Under 13 Boys Highest Goal Scorer and Player of the Year Jesse Gibbs.
Under 13 Boys Highest Goal Scorer and Player of the Year Jesse Gibbs.
Under 13 Boys with their 2013 medals.
Under 13 Boys with their 2013 medals.

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Founded in 2007, Sunshine Coast FC develops elite football talent and fosters community growth through innovative programs and competitive pathways.

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