Welcome to our first blog.
I have been given the task from time to time to write of some of the issues and developments surrounding football in Queensland and Australia. No doubt many will be aware of the turmoil that we have seen in the A League in recent times. It is undoubtedly a disaster for Queensland to lose two A League Clubs within two years. Regardless of what one may think of Clive Palmer’s involvement in Football the loss of his Club at the Gold Coast was a real loss to the developing young players in Queensland. Combined with the decision of the FFA not to support the ongoing efforts of the Fury to survive, young players in particular have suffered a real set back in Queensland. I know that Football Queensland made a huge effort in both cases to try and keep the Clubs but they were simply not heard in Sydney. The decision by Tinkler to hand the Jets licence back makes one wonder about the future of our game at the highest level in Australia.
However one bright spot does still exist. The Queensland State League ( yes I am an interested party) has huge potential to be adopted as a model to shape the B League across Australia. Contrary to much of the self interested rubbish put up on some Brisbane centric forums the QSL is and has been a great success in producing quality young footballers. Some of those players have already gone on to play in the A League, internationally and for their country and the League is not even 5 years old. Our club has a huge number of talented young footballers to pick from when selecting squads. It is a very difficult task for our coaches. More importantly it is clear evidence that players want to be involved with the QSL.
Football Queensland and Geoff Foster have suffered such totally ill informed criticism from some over the existence and operation of the League you must question the motives of the critics. My view is simple they are not interested in the players they are only interested in the power they have over their little bit of turf or they have a person bitch against Football Queensland which drives they to criticise what ever Football Queensland does regardless of merit.
It is no secret that Football Queensland with FFA is working on a major reform in the structure of the football pathway in this state. The QSL competition is unique across Australia in that it takes in Clubs from all over Queensland. FFA have stated publicly that they are very impressed with the QSL model and that it is a model that with some adaption could be the basis of a new B League across Australia. If this was to come about what a feather in the cap of the likes of Geoff Foster and the Football Queensland Board. If the major reform being worked on incorporated a B League feature then I have no difficulty in saying our Club would commit to being involved.
I wait with baited breath for the announcement due shortly as to the reform model to be delivered in Queensland. If Football Queensland decided to build on the QSL model with the support of FFA then there would be a solid starting point for Football to again go ahead in Queensland. Who knows such a Club as the Fire could start in the new B League and gain promotion to the A League again providing a new complete pathway for our young footballers.
Noel Woodall
MD Sunshine Coast FC