Message From Our Technical Director

Message From Our Technical Director

To All SCFC Club Members,

I know I sent you all an update early last week, but as a club we feel it’s important to keep everyone up to speed with communications.

As you are well aware, All sanctioned training and playing is still suspended by FFA / FQ, I understand why they have taken the measures they have, although I will leave it at that.

From a club operational point of view, myself and the other full-time staff members continue to work on a daily basis and prepare for the commencement of training and continuation of the current season which is still advised by FFA / FQ as 14th April 2020, some may say this is a little ambitious but I firmly believe the current season will be extended to a full and proper conclusion in 2020.

I understand some families may well be affected by the measures that have been put into place, and I know I keep harping on about culture and togetherness, but in every age group I feel we have a strong enough collective bond that if someone is struggling, we should all pull together and assist where possible. I urge every age group to keep open and clear channels of communication and if anyone is in need, we should as a collective group assist each other wherever possible.

I myself would be willing to assist in a voluntary basis on a weekend or evening in this period, if anyone needed some practical assistance or manual hands to help through a tough period I am happy to help.

Myself and the technical staff are currently working though some technical / tactical aids in which should keep our players stimulated through this period.

I thank each and every one of you for your continued support and patience, as we work towards coming out of the other side of the challenging period.


About Sunshine Coast FC

Founded in 2007, Sunshine Coast FC develops elite football talent and fosters community growth through innovative programs and competitive pathways.

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