It has come to the attention of SCFC management that their seems to be some confusion and possibly misinformation circulating concerning SCFC commitment to the Elite Junior Player pathway. Outlined below is a clear statement of SCFCs position on the APL and the Junior pathway.
It has come to our attention that confusion and possibly misinformation is circulating amongst the players and families concerning SCFCs commitment to junior elite players on the Sunshine Coast.
SCFC has always had as one of its primary objectives since creation to work to provide the best pathway for youth players on the Sunshine Coast.
The management of SCFC were involved in the creation of the JPL and the QSL, so we can say with confidence that it was envisaged at the time of creation of both of these leagues, that these two leagues would come together to form a club based pathway for elite players at some point.
The SCFC has and remains a strong supporter of the Australian Premier League concept as it has been with the QSL.
Some facts that potential FIRE players and their parents need to know as to how SCFC see it’s role under a new APL Licence:
- SCFC will cater for all age groups, boys and girls, as set out in the APL Licence Requirements;
- Depending on the depth of talent identified in each age group in both boys and girls. SCFC may also enter teams in the local competition to have opportunity to further develop players who are identified with potential but are not yet at the necessary stage of development for the APL competition;
- SCFC will employ full-time coaching staff to manage and to assist in junior coaching in addition to part-time staff. SCFC has already secured several well qualified and experienced coaches for junior coaching roles. Further applications are being received on a regular basis. SCFC already has in its employ senior qualified coaches with significant specialist junior experience.
- SCFC has been successful on the field in its youth development program with it’s under 19 team winning two state championships and a state premiership in the last three years. The youth team currently sits in the top two teams in the QSL youth table.
- The fees charged by SCFC will be consistent with the directions provided under the APL Licence Requirements and similar to those currently charged on the Sunshine Coast.
- Several of the SCFC’s youth players are currently trialling with A-League Clubs or will do so in coming weeks. SCFC has developed close relationships with clubs in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Papua New Guinea and Oceania to provide a range of playing and development opportunities for young players.
- The management team at SCFC has extensive experience in operating a semi professional football club. All youth players will benefit from the expertise that the management team can bring to ensuring players gain the best opportunity to develop and ultimately progress further up the player pathway.
- Player selection at SCFC has always been and will remain based upon player talent and commitment.
- SCFC has a stated objective to progress to a National Youth League team, a W League team and an A-League senior team.
- The facilities that SCFC will utilise for its junior players in the APL are of a high standard. Opportunity will exist for junior teams to play at Stockland Park Stadium, as opening games to the Under 18 and senior team.
- SCFC is very advanced in its preparation for entry into the Australian Premier League and is very confident that it can extend the success of its QSL operations to all of its teams in the APL.
We hope that the above clears up any confusion.
If you have any queries please feel free to email them to us at and we will be happy to reply or call.
Yours faithfully
SCFC Management Team